How are the toxins in cigarettes harmful to the health?

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All types of cigarettes cause harm to the body, even if you smoke or inhale only a small amount of smoke. This is because one cigarette is full of many dangerous chemicals. Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals. In addition, many of the toxins in cigarettes are carcinogenic.

In fact, smoking has adverse effects on almost every organ in the body, and increases the risk of countless chronic diseases. But many people don’t pay enough attention to the dangers of cigarettes to themselves and others. Let’s take a look at the chemicals found in cigarettes and how they harm the body.

The main toxic substances in cigarette smoke, besides carcinogens, are:

  • Nicotine is a colorless, oily substance that is addictive and causes heart disease. Most of the nicotine is trappe in the lungs, and some is absorb into the bloodstream.
  • Tar is compos of various substances. It is a sticky, brown liquid mist similar to tar. 50% of tar is trappe in the lungs, preventing the bronchial mucosa from moving normally.
  • Carbon monoxide, the same gas that comes out of car exhaust pipes, prevents the transport of oxygen by red blood cells, causing smokers to receive at least 10-15 percent less oxygen. The heart must beat faster and work harder.
  • Hydrogen dioxide is a toxic gas use in warfare, causing coughing, phlegm, and chronic bronchitis.
  • Nitrogen dioxide is the cause of emphysema because it damages the lining of the bronchial tubes and alveoli.
  • Ammonia is an irritant to tissues, causing eye irritation, nasal irritation, and bronchitis.
  • Cyanide, which is normally use as rat poison, is also found in cigarettes.

    In addition to these chemicals, ยูฟ่าเบท it is also found that manufacturers add other chemicals, or so-called additives, to cigarettes to help enhance the taste, make them last longer, and to increase the addictive effect of nicotine. Some of these additives are harmless, but when they are put into cigarettes and burn, they become substances that are harmful to health.

    To avoid getting toxic substances in cigarettes into the body and reduce the impact on the health of people around you, smokers should quit smoking as soon as possible. You may start by making a proper smoking cessation plan, such as using nicotine patches or chewing nicotine gum to reduce the desire to smoke. Avoid environments that stimulate the desire to smoke. Do activities that help distract from smoking.