Nowadays, everyone has pets, whether they are small or large, such as hamsters, rabbits, turtles, dogs, cats, snakes, birds, horses, etc. They can be raise indoors or outdoors. However, if our pets are not well care for, they can cause various contagious diseases to us as well. The trend of contagious diseases from animals to humans is increasing steadily. The contagious diseases can be viruses, bacteria, and many new germs.

Zoonoses ufabet can be transmitt from animals to humans in several ways, such as through contact. With an infected animal or a carrier, contact with the feces of an infected animal, being bitte by an infect animal. Or being infect through mosquitoes or other insects that carry the disease.
Causes of diseases transmitted from animals to humans
- Contact with sick animals
- Inhale germs or spores
- Eating dead meat as food
- Being bitter or scratch by an animal with a disease
- Insect vectors enter the body through bites or stings.
Examples of dangerous diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans are as follows:
- Dengue fever is a disease cause by infection with the dengue virus. Which is transmitt by the Aedes mosquito.
- Cat fungal skin disease There are many types of cat fungus. The most common type is the fungus that lives on the skin of animals. It can be transmitt through direct contact.
- Rabies is a virus that is found in the saliva of infected animals. And is transmitt to humans through wounds.
- Leptospirosis can occur during the rainy season. When the germs may contaminate areas with standing water and enter the body through skin wounds or scratches.
- Monkeypox is a viral disease cause by a virus that lives in rodents. It is transmitt through direct contact with the blood, secretions, pus, pustules, animal rashes. Or by being bitten or scratch by an infected animal.
- Avian influenza is cause by infection with certain strains of influenza viruses found in birds and poultry. Symptoms and severity of the disease depend on the strain of virus and the type of bird infected.
- Psittacosis can be transmitt from pet birds, such as parrots and the virus can be found in their droppings.
In addition to diseases that you should be careful of, there are also accidents that you should be careful of because your pet may hurt you, such as biting or scratching. Which can lead to wounds that can have serious health effects. Therefore, those who have pets should take good care of them. If you notice any abnormalities in their skin, fur, or cries, you must not neglect to take them to see a veterinarian immediately.